Update we received a telephone call from the Torrance Police Department requesting an interview with our client Ana Espinoza. We explained to the officer that Ana has been in fear of her safety since she reported her complaint to the Torrance Police Department. We equipped Ana with recording devices. She took this photograph of Torrance Police Department officers visiting her apartment unannounced. Below she photographed and videotaped a man who had been following her as she was shopping at Walmart with a companion. When she pointed the man out he approached her. He was not an employee of Walmart. We have asked the Torrance Police Department to determine if any of their officers are involved in harassing Ana after her complaint.
Torrance police officers coming to Ana's home without invitation |
Man seen following Ana.
Case update: October 27, 2011
Torrance Police Department
Kamau- My previous case with TPD a use of force gone wrong by a Karate Blackbelt Officer James Lynch
Three weeks ago Policeabuse.com received a report from a young woman who said she had been sexually assaulted by a Torrance, California police officer. The victim, Ana Espinoza is not ashamed. She has agreed to allow her face to be shown in this newsletter. Ana believes that unless she speaks out other women will be subjected to similar treatment. This is her story:
Ana |
On 06/12/2011 05:20 PM Ana Espinoza was arrested on a shoplifting charge at the Torrance Mall. Within minutes after her arrest she was taken to a security room and told that a police officer was on the way. According to Ana, Torrance Officer Force badge# 18689, arrived and met her in a holding room. He closed the door behind him. Ana was in handcuffs. Moments after entering the room, Ana reports that the officer began asking her sexually explicit questions that had nothing to do with the crime she was accused of committing. She reported that she was groped repeatedly and the officer inserted his hand inside of her pants.
The details of the assault are disturbing. Ana told us that immediately after the assault she went to the police department to report what happened. She completed a complaint form and waited for someone to contact her. She wrote a letter to the chief. No one contacted her and the officer is still on duty. After waiting three weeks she became concerned. She contacted Policeabuse.com.
We called the Torrance Police Department and requested an investigation. We agreed to make Ana available for any meetings with the police as long as a rape crisis counselor could be present to provide Ana with emotional support. We also agreed to allow Ana to participate in an internal affairs interview by telephone.
We called the Torrance Police Department and requested an investigation. We agreed to make Ana available for any meetings with the police as long as a rape crisis counselor could be present to provide Ana with emotional support. We also agreed to allow Ana to participate in an internal affairs interview by telephone.
Initially, the Torrance Police Department agreed to investigate and a meeting was scheduled. Our staff waited with Ana for over an hour but the police did not call or contact our office during the time we had scheduled the meeting. Later, the police claimed that we had missed the meeting. The police have implied that Ana has not been cooperative. We were told last week that the case had been forwarded to the District Attorney's Office and that they would investigate. Friday we were told by IA investigator Sgt. Carr that the District Attorney's Office had concluded its investigation. We believe this is the first step in a police cover-up.
Sexual assault is one of the most serious crimes committed. Each case deserves a thorough investigation. I have conducted sexual assault investigations before. In 1983, as a young police officer I received a commendation for solving a gang rape of a young woman in a public park. I will never forget the emotional harm done to the victim. The victim supplied me with valuable leads that I checked rigorously. We were fortunate. Within hours of the assault, I located or identified all of the suspects. Ana is not receiving the benefit of this level of investigation. The Torrance Police Department has been lethargic and disinterested in her complaint investigation.
We are alarmed by the fact that the District Attorney's Office could conduct an investigation of a crime this serious in less than one week. The most obvious evidence that this matter is being mishandled and may be a cover-up is the fact that they never talked to Ana, the victim. How can anyone claim that they have conducted a complete and thorough sexual assault investigation without talking to the victim? The District Attorney's Office of Los Angeles County should be ashamed. We have learned from Torrance police officials that the DA's office relied solely on the statements of Mall security guards and Officer Force. Their statements were supplied in a report by Torrance police officials. In short, the police have cleared themselves using their own testimony and flawed investigation to do so.
This is not unusual in Torrance. We have a bit of history with this agency. Though we are most well known for our racial profiling tests, in 1994 Policeabuse.com conducted its first test of police complaint intake. Our first test site was the Torrance Police Department lobby. In three consecutive tests Torrance police officers provided inaccurate information about complaint procedures, became abusive and threatening during the interaction, and, in one exchange locked our tester in the jail section before agreeing to provide a complaint form. Two of our reports on Torrance PD aired as CBS news reports.
Several Torrance police officers have recently commented about our assistance to Ana. Officer Force himself may have commented. We believe we caught his IP address. ( Many officers have been hostile and dismissive concerning Ana's complaint. To those officers who question our motives and credentials, you may visit our qualifications page. Four Emmy awards speak for themselves. And, for anyone who questions Ana's integrity or the legitimacy of her complaint, I suggest that they consider this. What if this was your daughter, your wife or your mother or your sister? Would you want them to get the benefit of a real police investigation?
Why did Officer Force close the door to the security room leaving him alone with Ana? Did the police review store video tape to confirm details in the complaint? Why did the TPD internal affairs unit wait until we called them to make contact with Ana? What does the Torrance Police Department policy say about requirements for a female officer during the search of female suspects? What research has been done into other arrests of female criminal suspects by Officer Force? Where is the chief, MIA? Ana sent him a letter after the assault? There are many unanswered questions.
Ana has shown tremendous courage. We believe every word of her story. We will protect her and ensure that her case receives an investigation. We will report Ana's complaint to the FBI next week.
Why did Officer Force close the door to the security room leaving him alone with Ana? Did the police review store video tape to confirm details in the complaint? Why did the TPD internal affairs unit wait until we called them to make contact with Ana? What does the Torrance Police Department policy say about requirements for a female officer during the search of female suspects? What research has been done into other arrests of female criminal suspects by Officer Force? Where is the chief, MIA? Ana sent him a letter after the assault? There are many unanswered questions.
Ana has shown tremendous courage. We believe every word of her story. We will protect her and ensure that her case receives an investigation. We will report Ana's complaint to the FBI next week.
Officer Anonymous Stand Behind Your Words
If there are any Torrance officers willing to use their true names, we will allow them to comment. We will not post anonymous comments by angry police officers. As for what Ana has paid us to conduct this investigation, we are working the case pro bono. It's the right thing to do.
More like this: NYPD Rape
I don't think the police even care anymore about their public image or they wouldn't cover up domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, or vehicular homicides committed under the influence of alcohol, committed by Police and correctional officers. If they truly cared about their public image as a collective they would probably want to purge such types of people from their ranks.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree, Anthony. I was sexually assaulted by a police officer as well several years ago in Wisconsin - and I was absolutely incredulous that there was no one to help me. It completely demolished the foundation of faith I had in this country. I intend on moving out of this country as soon as possible. I reported my case to the FBI and they basically told me there wasn't going to be anything done about it. I give up on the USA.
ReplyDeleteThis is a world wide problem. Abuse of women. It amazes me that this is happening in the USA.
DeleteTorrance police suck. They harrass black people. My mom was in an accident in which a friend of a Torrance cop ran a light. The guy that hit my mom claim he had a witness that she ran the light (which she didn't). Anyone familiar with the area and the accident details would have figured this out in 30seconds. So she went to court and the witness didn't show, but 27 torrance cops were there. I hate those pigs.
Deletecase# 346,150-
ReplyDeleteWm. Mohabier.III vs.City of Baton Rouge et,al
YES! YES! This is more than a cover-up. This is an open door for the public to come forward and give up information about not just this officer, but this police department in general.
Were is the Mayor and the counsel that payes this department.
Why did the Distric Attorney not come forward?
Why did not the Chief of police not get involved by making a public statement.
Sexual assault or just plan old rape is a serious crime and the courts have jailed a lot of our citizens for such a crime.
So, why is this officer not charged and jailed?
Believe me, a police deptment can cover-up a crime for a very long time. Remember my name is William Mohabier III and the Baton Rouge Police Deptment covered up my case of POLICE BRUTALITY for 22 years.
People please come together and lets help this woman. How many women must suffer this humiliation for the next 22 years by this officer and this Police Department and its Leadership.
Youdd at leat think theydd have the decency to let the shoplifting allegation go asa released without charge as long as she agreed to keep quiet about the sexual assualt
ReplyDeletei do believe that all police officer do cover up each other misconducts. this young lady did not deserve to be treated this way, and this officer should be fired. my experience as a domestic violence survivor invovling poliv=ce officer and being violated by state of nj with two police dept. and all covedrups and misconduct and civil rights consitionalrights violations. i must say its time for government to clean up law enforcement agencies and change laws. i love police abuse .com great job. and im glad you guys are blogging. your supporter and friend. clara colon......
ReplyDeleteHas Ana filed a complaint?
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be Civilian Review Boards put in place everywhere over all agencies and Police Departments.
ReplyDeleteThis is a horrible example of police abuse of authority. I personally think the police in OC and LA county are over the top with violence and "getting away with crime". Why do they think they are above the law?
ReplyDeleteI had a jerk of a cop beat me up and said I was resisting arrest all while I was still in my seat belt of my car. He was arresting me for resisting arrest or delying an officer. That law is so bogus it should be wiped off the law books. Then he said he should of shot me. Totally out of line, intimidation. The charges of resiting arrest were dropped.
I think it is important for people to know they MUST file their complaint with the IA office (Internal Affairs) they do seem kind of imtimidating but stand your ground and bring friends with you to file. Write to your political friends too ask them if they are sopported by the corrupt departments.
I think the police training in CA must be fouled up and needs some retraining of the teachers and officers. In the mean time the police need to be taught a leason the best way. Public outrage and to sue so that they will take the crimes their officers commit seriously.
My prayers are with Ana I hope you heal well. Remain strong and brave. Thank you also for standing up to prevent others from being hurt in such a horrible way.
Ya..police officers are always the same in any country..
ReplyDeletePolice complaint letter
I have a question Can I file a complaint on an officer if I let a few years pass already?
ReplyDeleteI have a question... Random question I apologize if I've waisted your time... A few years back an officer by the last name of Cabral had arrested me for a warrant, I went to court in Downey and when I got released from Downey court but with one thing missing from my property, my cell phone that I had just bought and it was no where to be found all I got was my cell phone case back at Downey. Anyway I ran into Cabral when he was cutting his hair on tweedy and California later that month I had barely started getting my haircut and he was finishing his I ask him about and he said I don't know what to tell you and jumped in his white truck then left. I personally think he kept it but never made a some sort of complaint on an officer.... Would it still be too late? It's been years and now I'm on the right track I live outside of the LA area, I have steady work and try to provide what I can for my family. Excuse my language but I have to hold a grudge on crooked douchebags like that! He might have been with century or south gate...
ReplyDeletePolice misconduct is a very very serious crime in our nation. They are violating us out right and in public and going unchecked. What happened to this young lady is totally unjustified. Police misconduct will not change and only get worse until we all speak out and speak up on this out of control issue. Many people don't understand or believe what is going on in our communities until it touches them personally. Ms. Espinoza is displaying great courage in pursuing justice. Keep up the great work PoliceAbuse.com. You will be getting my business very soon.
ReplyDeleteI read this post 2 times. It is very useful.
Pls try to keep posting.
Let me show other source that may be good for community.
Source: Police cover letter
Best regards
I am appalled and furious at the police actions, not totally surpried unfortunately.After a toxic exposure to dental implants. I now have a nasty parasite that Dr.Omar Amin in Phoenix AZ is treating. When my son called 911 after I had a fall and jammed up inside the door dislocated hip . The police called me a "silver-back gorilla"threw me to the ground caused a green stick fracture and compression fracture, further accused me and to my new neighbour as a "Typical Druggie" I have NCS and open ulcerations, my drug screen showed only levotyroxine for hypothyroidism. I was pushed down called a junkie told to shut up Ended up in a coma for 5 days.All that,because the "man in Blue is NO friend to you"This was comman treatment before we came to the west, I question now how we ever got out of East Berlin
ReplyDeletethis shit makes my blood curdle,i cant stand police and they always pull that POWER PLAY BULL!!!!
ReplyDeleteComplaints that are to be file against a public agency that want to recover damages in CA and OC must be filed in 6 mo of the date of the incident. It is always best to file anything like a complaint as soon as possible. write your expereinces down the same day if possible. as to missing phone as for property record.
ReplyDeleteWord to Ana,
ReplyDeleteMy first thought of the jerk with the glasses following you. good job getting him on camera! the glasses in the store are a such a cliche. My first thought is that insurance investigators sometimes follow and record the movements of people who file claims. They are real jerks and can really be unnerving. but getting photos and recording where you see these jerks is a good step to protect yourself. make copies of you records and give copies to your attorney and or friends. If this guy is Internal affairs he has some expaining to do because his behavior is intimidating. Stand your ground sis there is enough evidence of intimidation for a US DA office to take this case. If I remember right the previous cases of torrance PD did not have a positive outcome for justice to be done. Strong indication of a corrupt DA and justice system. Ana you can still stand up to these jerks and move to another more peaceful community and hide your location. It is totally understandable to keep your location and address private.
Entwissel, I am so sorry for what has happen to you in east berlin. I hope you are healing both inside and out from your injuries. And I hope you find the west to be more just and to have better checks and balances.
ReplyDeleteThey currently stalk, terrorize, and threaten my family and me in an attempt to silence my case.
ReplyDeleteMen like this one.
I was stabbed with a needle from Torrance police in the middle of the street. A year later I was told I was stage 4 cancer terminal. I was healthy prior to this attack, but since the attack I felt ill.
ReplyDeleteThis is Ana Espinoza, the victim of sexual assault. The Torrance Police Department is spending HUGE amounts of tax-money in a campaign of terror against me and my family all for submitting a complaint to PoliceAbuse.com. There has not been one day since the complaint that I do not come into contact with a TPD undercover stalker. They literally follow us everywhere we go wether it be school, work, stores, grocery stores, etc. What could have been an issue of sexual assault on 6/12/2011 has now been escalated by the orders of Torrance Police Chief John J.Neu to something far greater. By having multiple, old, gunned, perverted men stalking me around, they have only extended the sexual assault to a further level. The biggest current nuisance inflicted upon our family are constant helicopters that stalk us to our every location day and night. Helicopters should be used for the well-being and safety of the community and for crime prevention. They should NOT be used to stalk and spy on the every move of a college student, victim of sexual assault. Their favorite target is my mother-in-law because they figure she is an easy target for terrorizing. This is a massive cover-up involving many people. I have been rammed and nearly hit by a Long Beach fire truck. We have been harrassed in multiple cities including but not limited to Wilmington, San Pedro, Torrance, Manhattan Beach, Long Beach, etc. Just this Friday 12/30/2011 3 firefighters entered my mother-in-law's job and stood two feet away from us while they all stared at her for a prolonged period of time and then stared at her work before leaving. So then entered her job with the sole purpose of trying to scare her and then left. Wether Torrance Police Chief John J.Neu is very popular amongst his fellow collegues, or wether he simply has access to plenty of tax dolllars, I am not sure. But one thing for sure is that this has to come to an end. Thousands of tax payer dollars are being misused for terrorism against a defenseless victim of sexual assault simply for submitting a complaint. Please follow my case and help this campaign of terror against me come to an end.
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening these days - currently? I hope that you are okay. Keep up the courage. Alone these cowards are nothing short of weak. Together, they are known as bullies. Need to get in touch w/your attorney.
DeleteI so Agree with everyone that this should NOT just drop. What happened to Ana will affect her the rest of her life. She was violated and a violation like that just doesnt go away. Please, Stay on top of this and help this lady. A police officer has a HIGHER STANDARD then the public, they cannot act this way and get away with it. What makes them better then us? They put thier pants on the exact same way we do and they have a job to do just like us, If we are held responsible, So should they be.
ReplyDeleteI am just pissed off about this whole thing. Once, a long time ago, I had a FEMALE federal agent with the Department of Homeland Security (US Customs and Border Enforcement) basically place her hands UNDERNEATH my clothes in a BS search. I screamed sexual assault. I did complain, even sent a letter to my congressperson, and nothing and I mean NOTHING was really done. I got responses, an internal affairs investigation, but nothing really came of it.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Ana, with the whole inward touching of her vagina, is just plain, straight through and through RAPE and that pig needs to, I mean, get a just punishment for his crime, perhaps maybe rape for 20 years in the same jail cell by a hulking gay guy. He better hope he never runs into me. I'd go kamikaze on his arse at that point.
To Ana, my heart, sympathy, all that goes out to you and stay strong my sister!
Something similar happened to Cherise Rogers at the hands of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and the worst DID happen to Mitrice Richardson by the LASD!
I am just pissed off about this whole thing. Once, a long time ago, I had a FEMALE federal agent with the Department of Homeland Security (US Customs and Border Enforcement) basically place her hands UNDERNEATH my clothes in a BS search. I screamed sexual assault. I did complain, even sent a letter to my congressperson, and nothing and I mean NOTHING was really done. I got responses, an internal affairs investigation, but nothing really came of it.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Ana, with the whole inward touching of her vagina, is just plain, straight through and through RAPE and that pig needs to, I mean, get a just punishment for his crime, perhaps maybe rape for 20 years in the same jail cell by a hulking gay guy. He better hope he never runs into me. I'd go kamikaze on his arse at that point.
To Ana, my heart, sympathy, all that goes out to you and stay strong my sister!
Something similar happened to Cherise Rogers at the hands of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and the worst DID happen to Mitrice Richardson by the LASD!
I believe Ana's story 100%. I have a child with a prick who works for the Torrance police currently. I've contacted his superiors more then once regarding his inappropriate behavior, but of course I didn't get anywhere They all have the same attitude and think they are privileged to break the law. Seems most become police just so they have the advantage to break laws and get away with it. Just look at all the cover ups in the LAPD. It's sad that not only do we have to teach our kids about strangers, but we also now have to caution them about the very police who swear to serve and protect them.